Argentera / Must see

Argentera is the last district of the valley and has very large territory which includes different hamlets among which stand out Bersezio, the most populated settlement in the area and also the home of the Town Hall, the small nucleus that gives the name to the village and Ferrere, a fascinating bourg located in a deep valley that is located on the side. The toponym probably owes its origin to the presence in ancient times of silver lead mines. Certainly, the hamlet’s most important element is the Parish Church of Saint Lorenzo in Bersezio, a building established in the 11th century and reworked between the 17th and the 18th century, whose external side walls preserve a roman marble slab with a bas-relief  representing two warriors. Inside the medieval liturgical kit (15th - 16th century) proves a link between the Alms Arts and the Lombard Arts. The ParishChurch of Saints Pietro and Paolo (17th century), situated in Argentera, is of lesser relevance. In Ferrere It is possible to admire the Saint Giacomo’s old bell tower, built in wooden shingles and the “Mizuon dal countrabandìer”, a house-museum that testifies the smuggler’s hard life, a common way of life in the borderlands. 

ARGENTERA – Palazzo Municipale
Via Maestra, 44 – 12010 Argentera
Tel.: 0171 96710