Roccasparvera / Must see

Located in the lower valley, along the two banks of the Stura River, Roccasparvera can be reached by abandoning on the right the state highway which runs along the entire valley at the height of the Beguda hamlet of Borgo San Dalmazzo. Documented since medieval centuries, the toponym derives from “Rocha Sparvaria”, a fortified place that reminded of a sparrowhawks' nest.
Documented since the 11th century, the hamlet included four fortresses, high walls with watchtowers and a bridge that allowed the entrance to the town. Of this fortified settlement remains a trace in the Porta Bollerisor Boruela (15th century) which stands in the direction of the upper valley climbing the Alpine ridge. On the main square overlook the late-Baroque Parish Church of Saint Antonio, the Confraternity of Saint Sebastiano (both 18th century), the Town Hall and a beautiful Preive’s fountain-washhouse, of medieval origin, linked to other interesting fountains and washhouses in the district by an interesting thematic path. Not far from Porta Bolleris you can see the Chapel of Our Lady of Grace (1707), with its large 19th century arcade.


ROCCASPARVERA - Palazzo Municipale
Piazza Quattro Martiri, 4 – 12010 Roccasparvera
Tel.: 0171 72933