Argentera / Agenda

Candy lab

Taste laboratory for young and old gourmands

Together with Alessandro and Silvia from "Pasticceria Bruno" of Bersezio, come find out how their homemade pastry lab works and learn how to create delicious candies who smell like mountain! 

And to end the afternoon...a tasty snack!

At 3 PM, Bersezio (Argentera)

All activities are free by reservation at +39 3409848801 or at

In the festive period it will be possible to visit the Ecomuseum of Pastoralism and its ecomuseum path Na Draio per Vioure, accompanied by the guide, on the following dates: 24, 26 and 31 December; 6, 7 and 8 January with hours 15-18 PM.

The Festo dou Tarluc is organized by the Ecomuseo della Pastorizia and the Unione Montana Valle Stura in collaboration with the Consorzio l'Escaroun, the municipalities of Argentera, Pietraporzio and Sambuco, with the support of the Piedmont Region L.R. 31/95 and the CRC Foundation.