The "Mizoun dal Countrabandìer" is a museum in the village of Ferrere di Argentera that traces the ancient and traditional practice of smuggling. The 'Mizoun' is an old dwelling in the upper valley, restored as it was a few decades ago in the everyday life of the time: a kitchen, a small room and the 'soulìer', i.e. a large room with a wooden mezzanine. In each room, the exhibition of objects and utensils guides the visitor to the rediscovery of ancient traditions and activities. Smuggling was an outlaw activity performed by the inhabitants of the upper valley to supplement the meagre winter earnings. The exhibition of material related to this risky practice is significant.
The path, through images, documents and objects, guides visitors to the rediscovery of a world that no longer exists, but which is still alive only in the memories of those who were active protagonists in it. The ecomuseum is run by the Unione Montana Valle Stura.
Open in summer, keys at the Becchi Rossi di Ferrere Refuge.
Unione Montana Valle Stura
Via Divisione Cuneense, 5 12014 Demonte (Cn)
Tel: 0171 955555
E-mail: unione.montana@
Hours: mon-fri 08.30-13.00